Unfortunately our Institution does not provide accommodation for Erasmus students.
Short Term Accommodation
The city of Florence offers different options for accommodation. You can find hotels, hostels, individual/shared apartments, single/double rooms to suit all styles and budgets.
Useful information can be found on these institutional websites
Florence offers different housing options for mid and long term stays:
The availability and costs of accommodation are extremely variable, depending on the location and the facilities provided. Housing announcements can be found on notice boards around libraries, departments, canteens at all the various campus locations. We recommend to secure accommodation well in advance of your arrival. Florence is a very popular toursit destination.
Useful information can be found on the following websites:
To find houses or apartments to rent you can also get in contact with any estate agency based in Florence.
Rent advertisements can be found on notice boards around libraries, university premises, canteens at all the various campus locations.
All the students of the University of Florence, no matter their programme, can access the various canteens (mensa). The canteens/cafeterias are located nearby a few of the university campuses and they are managed, directly or contracted out to private firms, by DSU. DSU Toscana is the Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario della Regione Toscana (Tuscan Regional Board for the Right to University Education) and its aim is to provide services to university students.
Students can obtain a full meal at both lunch and dinner at affordable prices. The cost is proportional to the value of the individual's ISEE declaration (family assessable income) submitted at enrolment.
International students can also use the canteens once they obtain the canteen card from the DSU offices in Novoli. To apply for the card, students need to supply a valid ID and a document that certifies their enrolment at the University of Florence.
International scholars and researchers are also welcome to use the facilities. To obtain the card they need a declaration by the Director of their hosting Department to be sent to DSU (ristorazione.fi@dsu.toscana.it ), where it is stated the personal data of the applicant and the period of stay and the official status in the Department.
To learn more, in Italian, visit the DSU Toscana website Ristorazione.
The University of Florence offers language courses at various levels at its two dedicated centres.
The Language Centre CLA offers courses in various foreign languages and levels, among them Italian L2 courses, throughout the academic year. Consult the timetable of courses and the guided activities list on the CLA dedicated page.
More information for international mobility programs (Erasmus+ students, cultural agreements, EUniwell, bilateral degree courses) on the CLA dedicated page. Students with international study grants (Erasmus+ and similar) can attend, during their stay, one Italian language course free of charge.
Read more detalis about registration and fee on the dedicated page. You will then be contacted by CLA via email with further instructions.
There is also a service of customized one-to-one meetings (consulenze). Further information here.
Further courses on Italian language and culture are provided by another affiliate facility of the University: the Centro di Servizi Culturali per Stranieri.
The Centre offers Italian language courses in four levels (elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced - syllabus), as well as courses of Italian culture (list of courses).
The courses are held throughout the year, divided in four terms: autumn, winter, spring and summer term.
There are approximately 3.5 million books and a large number of periodicals available in five libraries covering the main disciplinary areas, with around 60 annexed reading rooms.
The University Library System (Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo - SBA) also offers online catalogues and many other resources in digital format (journals, articles, books). Students and all users are offered courses for guidance in the use of the library and its search tools.
Direct access to databases and full-text electronic periodicals is guaranteed for registered users even outside of the university premises, including the University Campus of Prato.
The digital publishing service is provided by Firenze University Press - FUP.
Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo - SBA, is the university library system's website.
The tax id number (Codice Fiscale) is a personal fiscal and social security number, comprised of letters and numbers, that identifies citizens when dealing with Italian public Authorities and other Administrations. It is required in Italy for all sorts of procedures (e.g. applying for a resident permit, opening a bank account, applying for the National Health Service card, renting a flat, applying for a fixed telephone line, buying a mobile phone's SIM card, etc.).
Option 1: if you are a EU citizen you can request it online ahead of time (recommended).
Please follow the instructions you can download here
Codice Fiscale request form EN
PLEASE NOTE: print the form and sign it by hand then make a high quality scan (NOT a wonky, badly-lit photo with your phone!) and send it back to the Agency. We suggest you use the Adobe Scan free app on your phone or tablet or any other scanning app of your choice to do this at your convenience and no cost.
Option 2: if you are non-EU citizen (the only one available) the request may be submitted personally to any local tax office branch of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)
The request may be submitted personally to any local tax office branch of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).
Direzione Provinciale di FIRENZE
Via Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, 23
50129 - FIRENZE
Telefono: 055-4787111
E-mail: dp.firenze@agenziaentrate.it
The tax code is issued immediately and free of charge. It is necessary to complete the AA4/8 form
EU/EEA citizens must bring a valid passport or another form of ID; non EU/EEA citizens must bring the passport with a valid visa and a copy of it (clearly showing personal data and visa) and/or the residence permit.
Alternatively, it is possible to apply for the tax code to the Italian consular authorities in the country of residence.
For further information, please visit the Agenzia delle Entrate website.
If you are a non-EU citizen and wish to study in Italy for more than 90 days, you will need a Visa to enter Italy.
If you stay for less than 90 days, find out from the Embassy (or Consulate) if you require a Visa. You must apply for the Visa from the Italian Embassy in your country of residence, providing the letter of acceptance from the University of Florence. Important: you must apply for a Visa for study purposes.
You must apply well in advance for the Visa, as the visa issuing procedure can take several months.
Important: when you apply for the Visa, have your medical insurance stamped by the Embassy, otherwise you will not be able to use it to apply for the Residence Permit.
Within 8 business days of entry into Italy, non-EU citizens with a mobility period of more than 90 days must ask the Residence Permit Kit at the Sportello Amico Counter in any Post Office in Italy. This is a compulsory procedure for all non-EU citizens wishing to stay in Italy for more than 90 days.
The 3 receipts issued by the Post Office will be needed to enroll at Università degli Studi di Firenze.
If you wished to practice some sports, our institution offers the possibility to register at the CUS (Centro Universitario Sportivo) that allows students to attend a wide variety of courses.
Opening hours: Tuesdays and Fridays 09.00 am - 12.30 pm, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 3.00 pm – 7.00 pm
For more information, click here
Our institution offers even other activities, such as being part of the University Choir or the University Orchestra, or alternatively the University’s Acting Company.
For further information regarding those activities, click here
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